You can write, phone, email and lobby the following people:
PM David Cameron, MP for Witney
Ed Vaizey, MP for Wantage and Minister in charge of libraries
Andrew Smith, MP for Oxford East
Sign our e-petition
Add your comments of support to this website.
Join http://www.facebook.com/pages/Save-Headington-Library/185947578089135?v=wall
For further information contact Nicholas Newman Editor at http://www.oxfordprospect.co.uk/
You can also email Caroline Taylor the County Librarian
at futurelibraries@oxfordshire.gov.uk or you write to Oxfordshire Libraries, Community Services, Holton, Oxford OX33 1QQ.
A good post on the role of libraries in achieving higher levels of literacy by Stephen Krashen. He uses American references, but the points are still valid!